Tag Archives: Joint

How to Find the Right Joint Venture Partner

[ad_1] Care must be taken in the designing and drafting of the joint venture agreement to clarify exactly who owns what While joint ventures can propel growth, selection of the right partner matters a lot for the success of the venture. One needs to conduct rigorous research work to find the right partner and do proper due diligence. One can save time and money by partnering with an existing supplier, customer, investor or with someone you have […]

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Difference Between Joint Venture Partners And Affiliates

[ad_1] There is a lot of debate going on the real difference between joint venture partners and affiliates and to be quite honest and reasonable- there really isn’t much of a difference, its opinion that differs. Let’s take a good look on both of the perspectives. Joint venture partners are basically the “Big Players” in your niche who you can really leverage to boost your business confidence. A common goal is what two companies look forward to […]

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