How Developed Is Your Belief System?


I am a great fan of Anthony Robbins and other great writers they all say it is your beliefs that control your life. Even Henry Ford said “If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right”. If you believe you will get over a life threatening illness you are much more likely to do so, as many people have demonstrated including Dr Hugh Murphy in his book “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind”. He even cured himself of a malignant Tumor. Changing your beliefs can change your life.

The National Geographic magazine has an article in the December 16 issue on: The healing power of faith called “Mind over Matter”

Norman Cousins an American biochemist who studied the effects of human emotions on disease, suffered with excruciating pain (caused probably, by ankylosing spondylitis, or post-sreptococcal reactive arthritis). He alleviated the pain with intravenous vitamin C and belly laughter created by watching comic movies which he found gave an anesthetic type of pain relief. He lived much longer than the doctors anticipated, in fact 26 years from first diagnoses, despite the above and heart disease.

Your belief is a feeling of certainty, whether good or bad, but you are sure the outcome will be as you anticipate. Now it is obviously an advantage to have a positive outlook and always “know” there will be a good outcome, but how can we change our beliefs?

As Anthony Robbins states it is not so much events that control our lives but the meanings we attach to them. Parental behaviour might influence one son to be a drunkard and thief, another could be spurred on to reverse his up-bringing. I know a child whose mother abandoned him at 3 years old. He was left to play in the streets with little neighbourhood supervision. He has since grown into a great guy, a successful business man, and has a beautiful house and trappings, a lovely wife and an adopted daughter.

Many of our beliefs about ourselves stem from past experiences, often from childhood. Some people haven't updated their beliefs since then when they felt small and inadequate, there has been no adult reasoning.

If you want to strengthen beliefs about yourself, think of them as “legs” supporting a table top. Find examples to boost an inadequate belief system to re-enforce the messages and strengthen the “legs” List all the occasions when you have succeeded or achieved things, however small. The longer the list the more proof you have to reassure you and strengthen your beliefs.

To read more about beliefs, and personal growth, Anthony Robbins wrote a great book “Awaken the Giant Within”. He also has many YouTube videos that are great for building confidence.

So with this new-found confidence what would you most like to achieve? Write a book, learn a language, learn to paint or play the piano. Maybe get fit or lose weight. Or you could start a business, so eventually you could work at home.

Affiliate marketing is the simplest way to start-up online and if you enlist the guidance of a coach and mentor it will be a lot simpler. You only need basic computer skills, a desire to learn, and commitment to succeed at your venture. Take a look at magazine racks to find a niche to excite you. When learning with a coach you can start earning commissions whilst you are learning the necessary skills.

Could this be your resolution for the New Year?


Source by Anne O'Dwyer

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